The Falkland Islands Legislative Council passed a same-sex marriage and civil partnership bill back in March, but there’s no obvious information on the government’s web site about when bills receive royal assent, nor is there an archive of current laws on the web site. This has led to some confusion about whether the bill is actually law there.
So, I contacted the Islands’ registrar general, and this is the response I received.
Since I noticed she’s also the registrar general for (the uninhabited) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands territory, I followed up to check if same-sex marriage is legal there. She says it is not.
Rex Wockner had a link to a press release from the government on his blog that basically said the same thing, but didn’t specifically say that the bill received royal assent or when it became effective. We now have a confirmation.
Anyway, this blog post exists solely so that I can cite a public reference on Wikipedia when I update same-sex marriage pages.
You can follow my daily updates on same-sex marriage news from around the world on my Twitter feed @LGBTMarriage.
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